Software Projects


"OpenFermion is an open source library for compiling and analyzing quantum algorithms to simulate fermionic systems, including quantum chemistry."

From 2019-2022 I was the primary maintainer of the OpenFermion software project. The goal of the project was to produce an easy-to-use interface to electronic structure software and tools for performing quantum computations for chemical simulation. Details on functionality and usecases can be found in the release paper.

The Fermionic Quantum Emulator

The Fermionic Quantum Emulator (FQE) is a light weight fermionic circuit simulator. The emulator uses number and projected spin quantum numbers to reduce the cost of simulating state evolutions under fermionic generators. [Github, Release Paper] Recently, we released the FQE-MPS extension which preserves the FQE interface but performs approximate wavefunction evolution using matrix product states. [Github, Release Paper]


QCPANOP (A panoply of quantum chemistry codes) is a place where I like to put toy electronic structure codes that I develop for my own research or interest. Currently, the library has various Hartree-Fock/SCF methods, perturbation theory, projective and unitary coupled cluster, tomography schemes, plane-wave SCF/DFT, an interface to v2RDM code in Hilbert, and CI forces (gradients).


Qᴜᴀʟᴛʀᴀɴ (quantum algorithms translator) is a set of abstractions for representing quantum programs and a library of quantum algorithms expressed in that language to support quantum algorithms research. This library is currently under development and will be released mid year. One of the main motivating factors for building this library is lowering the barrier of entry to fault tolerant quantum algorithm development and increasing the understandability and reproducibility of of quantum algorithms application papers (frequently our algorithms papers are close to 100 pages long because english is a terrible programming language).